
Friday 1 September 2017

Simon O´Connor´s visit

Reflect on Simon O'Connor's visit to our school.  
From our brainstorm, choose the 20 most important words.
Rich, MP, His past - Trained 9 years as a priest, Democracy, parliament, Policies, Helped the unfortunate, Fencing, No time to spend with family, Comparing National and Politics, (Mother, family and friends inspired him to become a MP) Lived in Whangarei, In the opposition team in 6 years,

Write a summary to describe what the life as an MP. Use Simon O’Connor as your example.
Living life as a MP would mean that you would sacrifice all the bonding time with your family and dedicate it all to finishing assignments. Also being an MP you have to decide with all the tax money that comes in what is the best thing to use the money on that people really need in their community like more classes in schools because of the houses population is going up. The best quote I think to use if your a MP is “NEvER GIVE UP” because it will always give you encouragement to carry on for when you have bad days or when you miss your family.
Explain to Simon O’Connor one of the biggest problems in our community.
One of the BIGGEST PROBLEMS in our community is our parks and public places. Our parks are old, dirty and are even starting to grow mold on the slides, swing sets and all the other equipment on the park which is why their are hardly any kids in the parks anymore. Also our Public places are getting vandalized and trashed by young teenagers that don't want to obey the law which is making us as a community look bad and I think nobody that lives in our community wants to look bad.   

Friday 5 May 2017

Digital Footprint

What is a digital footprint? Well a digital footprint, means when we go online and do whatever we may do can always be retraced no matter what proxy or thing we may go on. Even if we post online statuses on private they are still not private because anyone that see's it can screen shot the post and do whatever they want to do, or even an private message that we send to a mate. Why isn't the message that we sent to our mate not private it is because if at one point they get mad at you they could post that private message anywhere on social media and your little secret could be let out just like that.

Friday 31 March 2017

Fonofale, Hauora

Question 1: What is the Fonofale?
Answer: The Fonofale is the model of health, which was created by Fuimaono Karl Pulotu-Endemann as a Pacific Island of model of health. It ringed the values and beliefs from Cook Island, Samoa, Niue, Tonga and many more.

Question 2: What is different about it compared to Hāuora?
Answer: The difference between Hāuora & Fonofale is the the Hāuora only has 4 dimensions/walls and the Fonofale has 6 dimensions, and the structure of the Hāuora and Fonofale are made different. Another thing is that the Fonofale has 2 major dimensions that they look up to and it is culture and Family, because Pacific Islanders love there family and culture.

Question 3: What is similar compared to Hāuora?
Answer: The Fonofale is similar to the Hāuora because it uses three of the dimensions that our Hāuora has, Like Spiritual, Physical, Mental. Also it is similar because it is set up like a house with 4 walls just like the Hāuora.

Question 4: Do you like the Hāuora model or the fonofale model more? Why?
Answer: I think that the Hāuora is better because it is more simple and easier to remember. Also I think that using the 4 walls to use as an example for our 4 dimensions is kinda interesting but easy to remember.

Image result for fonofaleImage result for hauora

Friday 10 March 2017


Our well being is just like four walls in our house, Why you may think? it is because if one of our house walls falls down the whole house falls down. That is just like our well being if one of our dimensions fail to function then our body starts to fail and stop functioning. So that is why our 4 dimensions are important and why we have too look after it.